Dear all,

The meeting programme for this week is here.


1. All members bring back your Green Booklet 童軍紀錄冊
2. If you have triangular bandage三角繃帶 for arm sling, bring it along.

3. New members who still need to hand in cheque/photo/form/document copies, please remember to come prepared.

4. This is the last gathering before O Camp, make sure representatives of each patrol will take home the gas stoves, cooksets and other camp gears.

5. Read carefully the notice on the Scout Orienteering Championship 2016 on Dec 11

229th HKG will cover the fee so NO FEE to be collected, BUT
parent consent (PT/46) and entry form required. If you want to join, have the form properly filled in and signed (with your postal address) and returned this Sat.





Meeting on 15/10/2016

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