We have regular meetings on Saturdays in the HKUGA College (港大同學會書院,香港黃竹坑南風道9號) near Wong Nai Chung Road through Aberdeen Tunnel from Causeway Bay. Before making a trip to us, please consult our events noticeboard to ensure we are indeed at HKUGA College and not roaming the countryside. Note that events are subject to change without prior notice to non-229ers.
Due to the special nature of the troop, only HKUGA members’ children are entitled to enroll. A scout has to be responsible and we expect the best from any newcomers. Are you prepared to undertake various responsibilities, experience the rewarding position of leadership and eager to learn new friends?
Enrolment Process
- Download and fill out the application Form Application Form.
- After receiving your application form or shortly thereafter, we will contact you as to the place, time and date of the interview to be held with the intended scout. We usually hold interviews in June each year.