Happy CNY Everyone! Tony Sir has the following message for you–In the New Year, 229 rely on your efforts for a new and highly functional store room!
Madam Jenna
Dear Scouts & Ventures,
As I said before, on this SAT, 28 JAN, we’ll have no regular scout/venture meeting but will overhaul our store room to celebrate the Year of the Dragon. The planned program is that we will assemble at UGA at 1400 hours. ALL present will assist to remove ALL things from the store room. You will then be divided into small teams to work on the following tasks:
Team (A) Metal bar bamboo pole rack: Dismantle the existing one and build a new one on-site;
Team (B) Metal storage racks: Adjust height of storage racks of the existing two metal storage racks;
Team (C) Additional metal storage rack: Build an additional metal storage rack and place the new one on top the existing one;
Team (C) Additional metal storage rack: Build an additional metal storage rack and place the new one on top the existing one;
Team (D) Big bamboo poles: Use permanent marker pens to mark the big bamboo poles (diameter > 2″) with their height in feet on both ends of the poles;
Team (E) Small bamboo poles: Sort small bamboo poles (diameter about 1″) out by height (6′, 5′, 4′ etc.) for storing them back onto different racks by height;
Team (F) Scout wooden poles: Use permanent marker pen to mark non-standard scout wooden poles (those > or < 5′) with their height on both ends of the poles, and smooth all scout wooden poles with sand papers;
Team (G) Scout white ropes: Check and dispose those which are non-usable;
After that, we will return all stuffs back to the store room in this order: small bamboo and wooden scout poles 1st, big bamboo poles 2nd, patrol boxes 3rd, follow by all others. We’ll put all outstanding tent covers, related fly sheets, etc. into the new wooden cardboard for checking and repairing later.
Please see attached plan for reference. I’ll brief you in more details that day. If you have, please bring one metal hammer (about 1′ long), one Philips screwdriver, one pliers (about 8″ long) and a pair of labour gloves to assist. I hope we can finish by 1800 hours and go home.
It is your store room, your patrol gears, and your equipment, so I hope you make all efforts to show up to help, in particular SPL/PL/APL. As I promised, I’ll give out Lai See to those who show up on 28 JAN. See U and KHFC.

Store Room Overhaul