Please see attached scout section year plan for JAN-MAY 2015. We will stick to it as far as possible but it may change to meet venue availability, etc. year plan 2015
Read more229th HK Group
Please see attached scout section year plan for JAN-MAY 2015. We will stick to it as far as possible but it may change to meet venue availability, etc. year plan 2015
Read moreDear all, 港島童軍229旅幼童軍支部2014年聖誕營Handbook_Fina l Cheers, Madam Irene
Read morePlease see Part 3 information, which should be the final version. Amendments on Part 2 are highlighted in blue. Remember to dress up like (not behave like) an animal for the campfire night. I’ll be at UGA from about 1100
Read moreDear All, Sorry for being late. 20150111-AM-lunch-order-form Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreDear All, 集合地點 : 中環德輔道中83號恆生銀行總行地下正門外 (向海方向) 集合時間: 下午四時 逾時不候 解散地點: 中環皇后大道中1號匯豐銀行總行地下廣場獅子像旁 解散時間: 下午五時五十五分 *** 穿著整齊童軍制服 *** Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreSee meeting program for this SAT. If you are coming for the Xmas camp, please come back this SAT to prepare. Meeting_program_20141213
Read moreHerewith Part 2 information, including meals & menu, patrol gears, personal gears, etc. Please check your email for more details. XmasCamp2014Information_Part2
Read morePart 1 information on our Xmas cum Orientation Camp on 20-22 DEC, including venue details, names of participants & schedule is attached. More information on menu, patrol gears, personal gears, etc. will be coming. Please check your email & reply
Read moreDear All, Cheers Sammy Sir
Read more12月7日以下指定地點及時間報到 集合時間:上午9:00 香港仔郊野公園門外 解散時間:下午3:00 香港仔郊野公園門外 裝備:229旅戶外服( 或HKUGAC運動服)、行山/運動鞋、水、防曬用品 一定要帶 : 指南針、 哨子 午餐 : 自備 賽 員 須 知 : info2014 WSB 618 許恩湲 229 HKG 10:37:00 MC 712 鍾浚林 229 HKG 10:48:00 MC 713 羅家朗 229 HKG 10:57:00 WC 812
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