Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20150307-rundown-創意天地-誓詞規律, prepared by Madam Ada. 2. 隊長隊副 挑戰盾隊員 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers Sammy Sir
Read more229th HK Group
Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20150307-rundown-創意天地-誓詞規律, prepared by Madam Ada. 2. 隊長隊副 挑戰盾隊員 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers Sammy Sir
Read more港島229旅幼童軍行事曆 (2014年9月至2015年5月)
Read moreIt gives me great pleasure to inform you that the Scout Group is partnering with a NGO, Christian Action, to host a fun afternoon with ethnic minority children. Titled “童軍生活初體騐” 遊戲日, A Tasting of Scouting Games Day, the activity will
Read moreDear All, 1. Rundown for this week, Rundown-28-Feb-2015, prepared by Madam Tammy. 2. 隊長隊副 挑戰盾隊員 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreDear All, For your reference 港島229旅幼童軍行事曆 (2015年1月至2015年5月) Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreThere will be NO meeting on 21 & 28 FEB (SAT). But for those in the attached list, we will compete in orienteering race at Tin Shui Wai Park on 1 MAR (SUN). The meeting program, race information & map
Read moreHappy Chinese New Year !!!
Read moreDear All, 1. Rundown for this week, Rundown-14-Feb-2015, prepared by Wong Sir. 2. 隊長隊副 挑戰盾隊員 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreDear All, 20140208健康餐單 請各幼童軍填寫兩份健康餐單,於三月七日帶返旅團分享 Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreAs attached. It will be useful if you can find some information on the knots to be covered. Meeting_program_20150214
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