May 11 Rundown

Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20130511-rundown, prepared by Madam Ada 2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 3. 帶幼童軍紀錄冊 (Yellow book)。 4. 幼童軍團運作意見調查 – Return on or before 18 May – 港島229旅幼童軍團運作意見調查 Cheers Sammy Sir

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May 4 Rundown

Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week see below 2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 3. 帶幼童軍紀錄冊 (Yellow book)。 4. 交 Summer Camp 通告。 5. 交 AGM tea party 通告。 Cheers Sammy Sir (第一頁) 集會(30) – 5月4日通告: 第一頁: 摘要 第二頁: 程序表 A.

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City Orienteering on 2013-05-04 (SAT)

Time/Date of Assembly: 1445 hours on 2013-05-04 (SAT) Place of Assembly: Outside China Travel Service (中國旅行社), no. 138 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, (Southorn Centre 修頓中心)(The usual 229 coach bus pick up point) Time/Date of Dismissal: 1800 hours on 2013-05-04 (SAT) Place

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Apr 27 Rundown

Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20130427-rundown, prepared by Madam Irene. 2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 3. 帶幼童軍紀錄冊 (Yellow book)。 4. 交 Summer Camp 通告。 5. 交 AGM tea party 通告。 Cheers Sammy Sir

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