Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20131012-rundown, prepared by Victor Sir. 2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers, Madam Ada
Read more229th HK Group
Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20131012-rundown, prepared by Victor Sir. 2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 Cheers, Madam Ada
Read morePlease see attached program. PL/APLs please come back earlier for training. Remember to submit completed parent consent form for O camp. Meeting_program_20131012
Read moreThe scout & venture orientation camp will be held on 19-20 OCT at 大埔洞梓童軍中心 . We will hire a coach bus to take you and your tents and gears to the camp site. Please see attached program for the O
Read moreThe new HKUGA S1 students have been assigned to our six patrols as per the email sent to you. There are 1-2 ventures assigned as advisers to each patrol. If you are in doubts, you can seek advices from them,
Read moreDear all, (1) 今個星期六没有童軍集會 (2) 星期日水運會注意事項: (i) 穿着黃色戶外服 (ii) 比賽賽程時間表會貼於泳池旁 (iii) 泳池更衣室設有儲物櫃,費用五元正,請自備硬幣 (iv) 體育中心不設訪客泊車位 (3) Swimming-Gala-Rundown-Revised Cheers, Madam Ada
Read moreDear all, Swimming-Gala-Rundown Cheers, Madam Ada
Read morePlease see attached program and be punctual. Meeting_program_20130928
Read moreDear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20130928-rundown, prepared by Madam Irene 2. 交迎新營2013回條 3. 交港島童軍大露營之 Island Cuboree 2013回條 4. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合 Cheers, Sammy Sir
Read moreDear All, golden_bauhinia_form-WC Cheers, Sammy Sir
Read moreDear All, 1. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。 2. 交 O’ Camp consent-form, deadline Sept 28 3. 交 童軍大會操通告, deadline Sept 21 4. 報名進行金紫荊奬章隊員請於三時在有蓋操場集合 5. Rundown for this week, 20130921-rundown prepared by Madam Ada. Cheers Madam Ada
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