May 9 Rundown

Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20150509-rundown-活動徽章、童軍技能終極大比拼, prepared by Madam Ada. 2. 所有幼童軍必須帶備黃簿仔 3. 金紫荊隊員最後會議於三時半在有蓋操場進行 4. 所有小隊隊長及隊副於三時在有蓋操場集訓 5. 通告 (a) 網上繳交暑期夏令營(14-16/8/2015) 的電子申請表連同意書,另營費支票繳交給各領袖 (b) 229 留位+晉團+入旅 申請表 (c) AGM 茶會回條

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Hiking Camp

Hope you have recovered from your sore feet after the hiking camp at Lantau Island on 2-3 MAY 2015. We have walked totally about 32 km in 2 days 1 night. Well done. Below is the photo link:

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