Meeting Program for 2014-05-10 (SAT)

(a) anniversary performance, each group for 2 minutes; (b) pioneering work, 2 patrols jointly to build 1 Roman catapult, see below for what it looks like: (c) guard of honour ceremony, should be good fun. Meeting_program_20140510

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May 3 Rundown

Dear All, 1. Rundown for this week, 20140503-rundown, prepared by Wong Sir. 2. 隊長隊副 、金紫荊成員 3:00 操場集合。 3. 交2013-2014周年大會暨旅慶及茶會回條。 4. 交Summer Camp 回條。 Cheers Sammy Sir

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City Orienteering on 2014-04-19 (SAT)

集合時間 : 1500 hours on 19 APR 集合地点 : 北角海運城正門 服裝 : 229旅戶外polo shirt、輕便運動服裝、運動鞋 個人裝備:指南針,水,童軍繩1條(約5呎),筆&記事簿,最少有$20餘額八達通咭 小隊裝備:相機 或 設有拍照功能之電話 解散時間:約1815 hours on 19 APR 解散地点 : 尖沙嘴藝術館 Please submit your completed parent consent form (attached) at time of assembly. Parent Consent Form_City Orienteering

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