So far only 5 scouts applied to come. Because of these poor responses, the cycling on 9 AUG (SAT) is cancelled. Sorry of those 5 who are eager to come.
Read more229th HK Group
So far only 5 scouts applied to come. Because of these poor responses, the cycling on 9 AUG (SAT) is cancelled. Sorry of those 5 who are eager to come.
Read moreDate/Time of assembly: 0900 hours on 9 AUG (SAT) Place of assembly: Exit B, 大水坑 MTR station Attire: 踏單車服裝 or 229 yellow polo shirt, sport shoes, 手套. What to bring: completed parent consent form (attached, for under 18 years old);
Read more229 has arranged coach bus for you on 20 JUL (SUN): 0820 hours Wanchai MTR station outside 中旅社 0840 hours Choi Hung MTR station, exit B 出口左上清水湾道 (約5分鐘)彩雲聖若瑟門外 After the event, at about 1630 hours, the bus will take you
Read moreDate: 2014-07-20 (SUN) Time: 0930-1600 hours Venue: 王兆生領袖訓練學院西貢白沙灣沙咀 Time of assembly: 0915 hours on 2014-07-20 Place of assembly: 西貢白沙灣公眾碼頭 Fee: HK$55(包括營費、船費及行政費) Attire: 229 yellow polo shirt, long trousers, sport/hiking shoes What to bring: water, snack, your OWN lunch, 太陽帽, 太陽油,
Read moreDear All, Attach is the details of our Recruitment Day Rundown – Recruitment Day 20140705 V1 YIS Sammy Sir
Read more「社區參與廣播服務試驗計劃」第四期(第七、八季)將於5月23日開始接受申請,歡迎有志透過製作電台節目服務不同社群人士參加: 第四期第七季: 節目主題: 1. 宗教及哲學 (5小時) 2. 少數族裔 (4小時) 3. 自選題目 (5小時) 播放日期: 2015/01/12 至 2015/04/12 播出時間: 每晚八時至十時 截止日期: 2014/07/03 下午5時30分 宗教及哲學/ 少數族裔/ 自選題目的廣播時數分別為5小時 /4小時/ 5小時。 第四期第八季: 節目主題: 1. 科技 (5小時) 2. 少數族裔 (4小時) 3. 自選題目 (5小時) 播放日期: 2015/04/13 至
Read moreUpdated application procedures for this event is attached, deadline to apply is 11 JUNE. 歷奇體驗同樂日2014
Read moreDear All, 歷奇體驗同樂日2014 229 July 20, 2014 Outing Consent Cheers Sammy Sir
Read moreDear Parents, As you are well aware, only HKUGA or OGA members’ children are eligible to join the 229HKG Scout Group (see note below for exception). To facilitate membership renewal, we have arranged with HKUGA to set up a desk
Read moreFrom this year onwards, we will make changes & have limited scout meetings during the summer. See attached program for 31 MAY & be prepared. Tentative programs later are: 14 JUN Compass & map reading 28 JUN 户外香港生態資源與觀察 12 JUL
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