Athletic Meet on 11 JAN

there is NO meeting on 10 JAN & 229 athletic meet is on 11 JAN (SUN). As per 229 tradition, scouts & ventures will do a march-in ceremony. Please arrive at the venue (薄扶林沙灣徑香港大學何鴻燊體育中心) at 0830 hours sharp in full

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Cycling on 3 JAN (SAT)

Date/Time of assembly: 1400 hours on 3 JAN (SAT) Place of assembly: Exit B, 大水坑 MTR station Attire: 踏單車服裝 or long sleeved shirt & trousers, sport shoes, 手套. Cycling helmet is highly highly recommended. What to bring (MUST): Money for

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Dec 13 Rundown

Dear All, 集合地點 :      中環德輔道中83號恆生銀行總行地下正門外 (向海方向) 集合時間:    下午四時     逾時不候 解散地點:    中環皇后大道中1號匯豐銀行總行地下廣場獅子像旁 解散時間:    下午五時五十五分 *** 穿著整齊童軍制服 *** Cheers Sammy Sir

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