Cycling on 9 AUG (SAT)

Date/Time of assembly: 0900 hours on 9 AUG (SAT) Place of assembly: Exit B, 大水坑 MTR station Attire: 踏單車服裝 or 229 yellow polo shirt, sport shoes, 手套. What to bring: completed parent consent form (attached, for under 18 years old);

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歷奇體驗同樂日 on 2014-07-20 (SUN)

Date: 2014-07-20 (SUN) Time: 0930-1600 hours Venue: 王兆生領袖訓練學院西貢白沙灣沙咀 Time of assembly: 0915 hours on 2014-07-20 Place of assembly: 西貢白沙灣公眾碼頭 Fee: HK$55(包括營費、船費及行政費) Attire: 229 yellow polo shirt, long trousers, sport/hiking shoes What to bring: water, snack, your OWN lunch, 太陽帽, 太陽油,

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