Dear Scouts,
Here attached is the meeting programme for our Mini Concert this Saturday. As the HKUGA College is closing down for pest control, we will meet at the Wanchai Activities Centre (灣仔活動中心) located at 香港灣仔皇后大道東258號灣仔街市地下低層。Would Duty Patrol (Panther) , Duty SPL (Fox) and all PLs/APLs kindly be there 1530 to help with physical setup, and the rest try to be there 1545! Wear scout uniform and bring your water bottle.
Singing teacher Ms Leung Siu Kum, whose daughters (now grown up) were members of the 229th HKG, has kindly agree to come and teach us to improve our singing skills.
So, we hope all of you can come, although the room capacity is actually limited to 40! And we hope you can practise singing the song which your patrol decided to perform at least three times before coming and try to memorise the lyrics as well!
As promised, a book 《野外求生大全》may be yours, if you are a member of the winning patrol to be chosen on Saturday.
Do email/whatsapp Madam Shirley at 94082911 if any questions. See you on Saturday!

Scout Mini Concert to take place 1545 – 1800 March 4th Sat in Wanchai