Backwoods cooking field practice on 25/10 (SAT) between 1400-1800 hours at Deep Water Bay. Dress code is 229 yellow polo shirt or yellow colour shirt. Please bring cash to pay for the food raw materials. Please note attached meeting program. Please submit hard copy completed parent consent form to leaders on 25/10 or do online consent form via below google link:

For those 3 competition teams for 2/11, please also note attached 灣仔區指引 & memo from Thomas Sir on tips & details of the competition.
If you are really not free to come on 25/10, please tell Tony CHAN as soon as possible so that we will not buy & waste the foods for absentees.
Parent Consent Form 20141025
BackwoodsMemos from Thomas Dai Sir-1

Backwoods Cooking Field Practice on 25/10 (SAT)

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