Program rundown is attached. Duty patrol is Lion patrol, so Lion patrol members please come back at 1530 hours to build the flag pole at the school hall.
For those 5 cubs promoting to scout section, please wear your 229 cub scout uniform for the time being before sworn-in later.
For those 6 HKUGAC S2 students newly admitted to 229 scout section this year, welcome. If you were a cub or scout before, please wear your old cub/scout uniform (plus your old 旅巾). If you have not joined scouting before, please wear HKUGAC PE uniform. We will tell you what scout uniform items you should buy. 5 of you have not submitted a passport size photo to us, please submit one for our record purpose.
The green 229 windbreaker will be on sale on this SAT at $120 per piece. Please bring cash to buy one if you have not got one yet.

1st Meeting on 2014-09-06 (SAT)

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