Date/Time of assembly: 0900 hours on 9 AUG (SAT)
Place of assembly: Exit B, 大水坑 MTR station
Attire: 踏單車服裝 or 229 yellow polo shirt, sport shoes, 手套.
What to bring: completed parent consent form (attached, for under 18 years old); cycling helmet (單車頭盔, MUST WEAR); mobile phone; spare clothing (for change afterwards); water (at least 1 litre); snack; 蚊怕水; 防曬用品; money for bicycle hire & drinks.
What we will do: walk from 大水坑 MTR station to 大水坑單車公園 (about 10 minutes walk) > hire bicycle here (about $30-50 per day) > ride to 烏溪沙青年新村 > 大圍 along 城門河南岸 > 獅子山隧道公路落車推車過橋 > along 城門河北岸 > 科學園 > about turn > 城門河口過橋 > 大水坑單車公園
(a) must submit parent consent form on assembly;
(b) must wear cycling helmet all the time during cycling;
(c) only ride along designated cycling path 單車徑, obey all traffic signs, 過馬路紅綠燈MUST落車推車;
(d) you should know how to ride a bicycle yourself (you will be tested ride for 100 metres at 大水坑單車公園, if you fail, you will not be allowed to follow the group & can only practise inside 單車公園)
(e) turn on mobile phone all the time for communication
(f) have breakfast before assembly
(g) Tony CHAN will bring first aid kit
(h) cycling path maps attached
Date/Time of dismissal: about 1300 hours on 9 AUG (SAT)
Place of dismissal: 大水坑 MTR station
In order to ascertain how many of you scouts & ventures will take part, if you will come, please send a reply yes email to Tony CHAN before 1700 hours on 7 AUG (THUR).
cycling path_Shatin_Ma_On_Shan_South
cycling path_Shatin_Ma_On_Shan_North
Parent Consent Form 140809
229th HK Group