Dear Parents,

As you are well aware, only HKUGA or OGA members’  children are eligible to join the 229HKG Scout Group (see note below for exception).  To facilitate membership renewal, we have arranged with HKUGA to set up a desk at the HKUGA College School Hall on 5 July 2014 at 5:00-6:00pm.  Please take advantage of the arrangement to renew your membership, if applicable, and fill in/bring the form (see link with you on that day.

If you prefer the online membership application/renewal service, please follow the instructions on the aforementioned web page.

Note: The said requirement is not applicable to HKUGA College students.


Yours in Scouting,

Ray Kwok

HKUGA/OGA Membership Renewal at HKUGAC on 5 July 2014

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