0900 I’ll be at HKUGA from 0900 hours onwards, please reschedule your program & come back as early as possible to help build pioneering display (Roman catapult for scouts & observation tower for ventures); rehearse your team performance & guard of honour ceremony
1330 pioneering display to be completed
1340 final rehearsal for team performance
1400 all sections assemble for group flag raising
1410 final rehearsal for guard of honour ceremony
1430 guard of honour to be assembled
1450 ALL to assemble at school hall
1500 scout section team performance at school hall
1547 prize presentation (scout section: 傑出隊長; 傑出隊副; 傑出隊員; 傑出新人; 積極考章(進度性+專科徽章最多的一位) & 全年最佳小隊Also 傑出成就 awards to 童軍獎劵 (scout & venture); 最熱心scout section 家長獎 ; 總領袖獎章; 金紫荊獎章; 童軍野外定向錦標賽; 第二屆童軍定向短途錦標賽.
1600 AGM at 1/F conference room, you can either go to AGM or play the pioneering display at G/F
1700 tea party at G/F covered playground
229th HK Group