Venue: Central Kwai Chung Park
Time of assembly: 1545 hours on 22 FEB
Place of assembly: Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR station (about 5 minutes walk to venue)
Attire: 229 yellow polo shirt, long trousers, sport shoes
What to bring: Silva compass, water, snack, mobile phone, pen & paper, one 童軍繩 (about 4-5 feet long, similar rope like 晾衫繩、爬山繩 will do)
Theme of activities: orienteering (map will be provided), knotting, team building games
Time of dismissal: about 1745 hours on 22 FEB
Place of dismissal: Kwai Fong MTR station

Outdoor Meeting on 2014-02-22 (SAT)

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