We will do community service at 大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院賣物會 on 2 NOV. It is an annual event hosted by 香港弱能兒童護助會 and involves 賣物 and 遊戲攤位. The profits will help the Hospital to improve their facilities. 229 has been helping this meaningful event over the past years. This year, we will go in two shifts – morning shift from 0915 to 1315 hours; and afternoon shift from 1300-1700 hours. Please assemble in full scout uniform (or HKUGA PE kit if you have no uniform) at main entrance of the hospital and hand in completed parent consent form to leaders (map & consent form attached via separate email). You can take route no. 10 green minibus to go there, details at: http://www.16seats.net/chi/gmb/gh_10.html.
Community Service on 2013-11-02 (SAT)