Have you heard about the HK Scout Rally (香港童軍大會操). It is an annual big event when scout awards are presented with performances of foot drill, scout songs, etc. This year the Scout Rally will be held on 27 OCT (SUN) at HK Stadium. Please assemble at the main west gate entrance staircases of the HK Stadium at 0930 hours on 27 OCT. In full scout uniform, or HKUGA PE kit if you have no scout uniform. The event will last for about 3 hours. If you come, you will receive a set of two 2013 Scout Rally badges, one of them is not for sale. We will have no meeting on 26 OCT (SAT) and treat attendance at the Scout Rally as meeting for the week. So please make efforts to come. A parent consent form is attached. Please pass the completed parent consent form to the leaders at time of assembly.
ParentConsentForm_Scout Rally 2013

Scout Rally on 2013-10-27 (SUN)

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