Dear parents & leaders,
On behalf of Ms Christine Tam, Group Secretary of the 229HKG Council, please find below/attached the documents for the AGM and inauguration, which will be held at 4:00pm this at Room 106 (Conference Room), HKUGA College. For your information, the information package had been emailed to all Council members.
Given the ‘ general meeting’ nature of the function, could all parents and leaders please make every endeavour to attend the meeting.
– the AGM/inauguration rundown AGM Rundown ,
– the 2011-2012 AGM minutes 2011-2012 AGM Minutes ,
– the 2010-2011 AGM minutes 2010-2011 AGM Minutes ,
– the 2011-2012 financial statment 2011-2012 Financial Statement ,
– the draft 2012-2013 financial statement Draft Financial Statement for 2012-2013.
See you all this Sat.