(A) 2013-03-16 (SAT): Please see attached meeting program for this SAT. We will have flag raising for the whole scout group, together with cubs, grasshoppers… this time. Remember to bring back your unsold raffle tickets, stubs of sold tickets and sale proceeds (in cash or in cheque made payable to「香港童軍總會」or “Scout Association of Hong Kong”.
(B) 2013-03-17 (SUN): For those participating in the 1st scout sprint orienteering, please be reminded to check your starting time (emailed to you last time) & wear 229 outdoor yellow Polo shirt. We have arranged a coach bus to take you to Yuen Long Park. Details are:
Pickup Time : 0810 hours
Pickup Place : 灣仔家計會
Drop Off time : 0900 hours at Yuen Long Park
Return Time : 1230 hours
Time at 灣仔家計會 : about 1330 hours
229th HK Group