Dear All,
1. The run down for this week, 20130119-rundown, prepared by Wong Sir, the leader-in-charge this week.
2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。
3. 交田徑運動運會之午膳安排通告。
4. 交田第一屆童軍定向短途錦標賽通告。
Sammy Sir
Jan 19 – Rundown
Dear All,
1. The run down for this week, 20130119-rundown, prepared by Wong Sir, the leader-in-charge this week.
2. 隊長隊副 3:00 操場集合。
3. 交田徑運動運會之午膳安排通告。
4. 交田第一屆童軍定向短途錦標賽通告。
Sammy Sir